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Google Apps for Education

docsicon  Click the Google Docs icon to go to the Docs portal.

drive icon  Click the Google Drive icon to go to the Drive portal.

   Kalispell Public Schools is setup for Google Apps for Education!  All staff as well as K-12 students have Google Apps accounts with usernames and passwords configured based on KPS network credentials.  

   When you first connect, you will be asked to accept the Google terms of service, fill out a CAPTCHA challenge.

   Your username is formatted as an email address (though students are not presently provided mail services through the District’s Google Apps portal). It is the same as your login to the school network, [plus the domain suffix “” (no quotes), e.g.].

   The Google Apps Password Sync service does not automatically sync your existing Active Directory passwords to Google Apps; it only syncs password changes. If for convenience you wish to use the same password for your Google Apps account as for your school network account, you would need to ‘change’ your password on the school network:

Option 1: (Windows Only)
– Login to a Windows-based school computer as per normal
– Press Control+Alt+Delete, and then the ‘Change Password’ button
– Input your current password in the ‘old password’ field
– Enter your desired password in the ‘new password’ field

Option 2: (Windows, MAC, Mobile, etc...)
- Log in to your email through the web (Outlook Web Access) click the link:
- Upper right-hand side, click on "Options" then click "Change Your Password"
- Password screen comes up, enter your Current Password, then enter and confirm your new password. 

[You can enter the same password in ‘new password’ as ‘old password’ to keep your existing password but to force a sync of that password to the Google Apps system.]

   That change would then be propagated to the Google system immediately and at that point your credentials on Google Apps are the same as on the school network.

   What services does Google Apps provide?

   Google Apps for Education provides a plethora of useful services. Perhaps most notable among them is the Google Drive and Docs feature. Using Google Drive allows you to keep up to 5 GB worth of documents in the cloud for easy accessibility – from home, school, or any Internet-connected computer. This is more reliable (and convenient) than emailing copies of files to yourself or remembering to pack a USB drive to copy files back and forth. Google also offers shared calendaring, the ability to create websites through Google Sites, and much more. Google lists the benefits here: