Important Forms Linked Below:
Vaccines Required for School Attendance, Preschool-12th Grade
As of October 2015
Haemophilus influenza Type B |
1 dose (given on or after the 1st birthday, unless child is older than 59 months)2 |
None Needed |
Diphtheria, Tetanus, and |
4 doses |
4 doses (one dose must be given on or after 4th birthday)3,4 |
Polio (IPV or OPV) |
3 doses |
3 doses (one dose must be given on or after 4th birthday) |
Measles, Mumps, and Rubella |
1 dose (dose must be given on or after 1st birthday) |
2 doses (first dose must be given on or after 1st birthday, and spacing between doses is 4 weeks) |
Varicella “chickenpox” |
1 dose (dose must be given on or after 1st birthday)6 |
2 doses (first dose must be given on or after 1st birthday, spacing between doses is 12 weeks for children under 13 years, and 4 weeks for those 13 years and older)5,6 |
1Per MCA 20-5-402 a preschool is defined as a facility that provides, on a regular basis and as its primary purpose, educational instruction designed for children 5 years of age or younger and that: (a) serves no child under 5 years of age for more than 3 hours a day; and (b) serves no child 5 years of age for more than 6 hours a day.
2Hib vaccine is not recommended for children older than 59 months.
3DT vaccine administered to pupils less than seven years of age is acceptable only if accompanied by a medical exemption that exempts the pupil from pertussis vaccination per ARM 37.114.705.
4A pupil 7 years or older who has not completed the DTaP requirement must receive additional doses of Td/Tdap vaccine to reach a minimum of 3 doses of any combination of DTaP, Td, Tdap or DTP per ARM 37.114.705.
5While it is not recommended, if a child younger than 13 years receives their second dose of varicella at an interval of 4 weeks or longer, the dose does not need to be repeated.
6As of October 1, 2015 pupils are required to have varicella vaccine and all pupils 7th -12thgrade must have a Tdap vaccine.
Note: A four day grace period may apply, as appropriate, per the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice (ACIP) recommendations.