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Driver's Education Center







updated August 10, 2024

OPEN - Registration for the 2024-25 School Year & 2025 Summer Sessions.

Click Here for 2024-25  Class Offerings

Registration Note:

If you are a pre-enrolled or current student at Flathead H.S., Glacier H.S., Kalispell Middle School, or Linderman Alternative School, you will enter the store portal using the Parent Powerschool add on.  If you are not or will not be attending one of these schools, you will register as a non-School District #5 student.  When setting up your account you will not include an access code or student ID, skip this part of the process.  Registration links and detailed instructions including pdf’s are available below.  

NOTE:  Pre-enrolled students are defined as current 8th grade students that have enrolled/registered for the following year in a SD#5 school and have created a Parent Powerschool Account.



  • Students must be at least 14 1/2 years old by the class start date and under the age of 19 to enroll.  Please check the above link for the 2024-25 class listing for exact dates.  Dates may vary for those taking a 10 week class.

Class Information
Classes consist of at least 60 hours of structured in person learning experiences scheduled over no less than 25 student contact days for each student including no fewer than six hours of behind-the-wheel instruction.  Students need to complete all assignments and finish the classroom portion with an 80 percent average to meet state standards.  Classroom location will be announced at the Mandatory Student/Parent Meeting.  The end date of each class listed is only an approximation.

  • 5 Week Classes:  The five week classes meets Monday - Friday from 3:30-5:30. Students drive one day during the week from 5:30-7:30.  They also drive 2-4 Saturdays during this session. Note: Classes on Wednesday's will meet from 1:30-3:30 or 3:30-5:30 due to early releases with drives following. Specific dates will be given at each class parent meeting.

  • 10 Week Classes:  During the ten week sessions all classes and drives occur from 3:30-5:30, Monday - Friday.  During week one, classes meet daily.  Starting the second week, classes are 2 days a week and meet every other Friday. Students drive the other days (depending upon which drive group they are in) or have the day off.  Students attend class or drive 30 of the 50 school days during these sessions. Note: Classes and drives on Wednesday's will be from 1:30-3:30 or 3:30-5:30 due to early releases. Specific dates will be given at each class parent meeting.

  • Summer Classes:  Summer classes meet 5 days a week (Monday-Friday).  Students drive 1-2 days per week (Monday-Friday) for 2 hours. Class times are either 8:00 - 10:00 a.m. or 10:00 - Noon

Note If your student participates in school or club activities choose a session that does not conflict.

Student/Parent Meeting - REQUIRED
Students and parents are required to attend a meeting before their class begins. Meetings are typically held on a Tuesday (Glacier) or Thursday (Flathead) prior to class starting. Parent/student Meetings for Flathead sessions will be held in the Flex Room and Glacier meetings in the Performance Hall unless otherwise noted.  Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the meeting for check in. 

The following original documentation must be brought to the Parent-Student Meeting

  • Student Live Birth Certificate or Passport
  • Student Social Security Card
  • Parent or Guardian's Valid Drivers License or State Issued ID

Registration and Payment Information

Class cost is $350 and payment is required at the time of registration.  Registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis.  You must use the online portal to register. 

  • Online:  Register online by selecting the link/icon below.  Online registration accepts credit and debit cards only.

Tips for Online Registration

  • NOTE:  For best results use a laptop or desktop computer to complete your transactions.  If you have trouble completing a transaction on your phone or tablet use a laptop or desktop computer.
  • School District #5 students/parents (current):  Using the link below, sign in using your Parent Powerschool ID and click on the Smartschools link on the left side of the screen to register.
  • Non-School District #5 students/parents (not enrolled/pre-enrolled):  Use the link below to create a Login / Password, and Profile for the online portal to register.  Note:  You do not need an Access ID/Student ID to complete this process when prompted, please click on "skip".



 Click on Image for Current SD#5 Student Registration


Click on Image for Non-SD#5 Student Registration


Note:  You can check which class you are enrolled in by logging into the online store, then click on the Green House/Dollar Symbol followed by the “account” Icon in the top right corner

Class Waitlists

  • Once all classes are full, the registration system will create a waitlist.  Add your name to the list by clicking on "add to waitlist" and choosing the participant you want on the list.   You will receive an email once you are placed on a class waitlist.  
  • You are allowed to add your name to 3 class waitlists.  Anyone adding the same student to more than three waitlists will be deleted from all waitlists.
  • No payment is necessary to be placed on a waitlist.
  • Waitlists are purged once a class has started.

Cancellation, Class Change and Refund Policy

  • Cancellations and Class Changes must be made by emailing or calling the Traffic Education Center. 
    • Refunds will be credited back to the card used when ordering or by check.
      • A $50.00 fee will be assessed for processing refunds.
      • There is no refund available after the class has started or for failure to attend the Student/Parent meeting with the required documentation.
      • A $20.00 fee will be assessed for processing class changes (moving from one class to another).  This includes signing up for a class and moving to another class due to being waitlisted.

Need More Information:

Office Hours:  By Appointment Only


Phone:  406-751-3400 Ext 3983

Flathead High School - Room 257

644 4th Ave. West, Kalispell, MT 59901